Hi, my name is Lauren Hronek!
In the late summer of 2019 I became a mother to my adorable son. With both pregnancy and motherhood came a lot of change. I always worried that motherhood would negatively impact my outdoor passions and career. I had many naysayers telling me I would have to sacrifice things like backcountry skiing (splitboarding), mountain biking and backpacking. Their words only fueled me with passion to prove them wrong.

I advocate for mothers to prioritize time for themselves and their outdoor hobbies and I also encourage families to bring kids along on adventures, sometimes BIG adventures.
This space here serves as a resource for outdoor and adventure families. I share trip recaps, routes, gear reviews, how to’s and so much more. The community of outdoor parenting and adventure families is rapidly growing and I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
For a look into our everyday life and adventures follow along on Instagram @laurhronek.